I have a table which has a field `activated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, which means that it can contain a
What is the active Record way of adding IN condition to an active Query in yii 1.x you could use CDbCriteria l
I am new to Yii-2 framework. How can i achieve following query in Yii-2 framework using activeQuery and models
I can't find anywhere it has been documented this. By default, the find() operation will get the records
I have the following php-codeigniter script which attempts to increment a field of a record using active-recor
I have a very small script to get all records from a database table, the code is below. $query = $this->db-
I'm very new to CodeIgniter and Active Record in particular, I know how to do this well in normal SQL but
I'm using CodeIgniter's Active Record class to query the MySQL database. I need to select the rows i