How can I convert this sql into active record query SELECT * FROM `base_twitter` WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT base
I have a table which has a field `activated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, which means that it can contain a
In YII I could request a parameter from url and populate a form field called companyAdd_id with the following
I am trying to setup a button with a link to a view. However yii\bootstrap\Button does not have a property url
Please can someone explain how the search method in a Yii2 SearchModel works? I generated it using Gii. Here i
I want create this query with yii2 search model select * from t1 where (title = 'keyword' or conte
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['id' => 'contact-form']); ?> <?= $for
As the title clarifies why is the auth key introduced in Yii2? What're it's main usages and how it i
In the API documentation it is specified that $joinWith - A list of relations that this query should be j
I am trying to hide the label for a specific field in _form.php without success. I have tried couple of varia
What is the active Record way of adding IN condition to an active Query in yii 1.x you could use CDbCriteria l
I am trying to get the base URL for the project in Yii 2 but it doesn't seem to work. According to this p
I can't finally understand how to use the swiftMailer extension in Yii2. Judging by that on this subject
I am new to Yii-2 framework. How can i achieve following query in Yii-2 framework using activeQuery and models
In Yii 1.1 this code works for default sorting: $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('article',a