I am building a Flutter application and I have integrated Firebase, but I keep getting this error when I click
I am trying to wrap my head around observables. I love the way observables solve development and readability i
Google just released Cloud Firestore, their new Document Database for apps. I have been reading the documenta
Using Android Studio 3.3 Canary 11 with the gradle plugin version 3.3.0-alpha11. It throws the following error
Here is my manifest: <service android:name=".fcm.PshycoFirebaseMessagingServices"> <intent-filter
The Firebase Web-App guide states I should put the given apiKey in my Html to initialize Firebase: // TODO: Re
I am checking out Drupal 8 and try to generate a link based on the node ID of an article. In Drupal 7 it is s
Is it possible to change a user's Drupal password from the command-line with Drush?
Can I hide the Edit | View tabs on top of each node ? I've searched for this option in theme sett
I need to throw 404 error in module. Or may be there are any possibility to set required option for menu hook?
In drupal 7, i use function image_style_url('style', uri) to generate new image with style and retur
I'm using Drupal 7 and Omega 3. The front page of my website needs an image that covers only the top half
The Drupal API has drupal_get_path($type, $name) which will give the path of any particular theme or module.
I have 2 submit buttons and want to perform different actions for each submit button . Here I want to set the
How do I get pathauto under Drupal 7 to generate a URL alias by the full menu path?
In my module I want to get the site wide email address - the one that is set in the site information admin pag
Copy from drupal.stackexchange.com hoping to get more answers here: I face a rather common problem of display
Drupal is frequently referred as a Content Management Framework, does it comply with the MVC paradigm? If it d
I am using the fpdf library for my project, and I'm using this to extend one of the drupal module. These