I try to convert matlab code to numpy and figured out that numpy has a different result with the std function.
Does MATLAB have any support for hash tables? Some background I am working on a problem in Matlab that requi
Is there a way to extend a vector by making it repeat itself? >v = [1 2]; >v10 = v x 5; %x represents s
I'm a little surprised that MATLAB doesn't have a Map function, so I hacked one together myself sinc
What is the difference between the & and && logical operators in MATLAB?
Consider the following simple speed test for arrayfun: T = 4000; N = 500; x = randn(T, N); Func1 = @(a) (3*a^
I would like to execute the equivalent of the following MATLAB code using NumPy: repmat([1; 1], [1 1 1]). How
Let's say I have the cell array strs = {'HA' 'KU' 'LA' 'MA' &ap
You can apply a function to every item in a vector by saying, for example, v + 1, or you can use the function
I'm trying to plot several kernel density estimations on the same graph, and I want them to all be differ
Suppose that; I have an m-file at location:C:\M1\M2\M3\mfile.m And exe file of the matlab is at this locatio
Is it possible to get the 'nth' return value from a function without having to create dummy variable
What is the Python equivalent of Matlab's tic and toc functions?
Is it possible to have default arguments in MATLAB? For instance, here: function wave(a, b, n, k, T, f, flag,
I've noticed that a lot of good answers to MATLAB questions on Stack Overflow frequently use the functio
i and j are very popular variable names (see e.g., this question and this one). For example, in loops: for i=1
I'm experimenting with MATLAB OOP, as a start I mimicked my C++'s Logger classes and I'm puttin
Is there a foreach structure in MATLAB? If so, what happens if the underlying data changes (i.e. if objects a
Does MATLAB have a function/operator that indicates the type of a variable (similar to the typeof operator in