I am learning NativeScript. I am trying to write some automated tests with Jasmine. From my understanding, I c
Is there a way to embed/mashup the OpenStreetMap in your page (like the way Google Maps API works)? I need to
Why isn't Collection.remove(Object o) generic? Seems like Collection<E> could have boolean remov
Is there some one-liner bridge method to dump a given Enumeration to java.util.List or java.util.Set? Somethin
What is the difference between Service Provider Interface (SPI) and Application Programming Interface (API)? M
I'am a newbie with Nightwatch and i would like to count the number of element. I am able to do this but I
I am writing a test for an element on the page, but when I use pageObject.click("@MyElement) on the element, s
I'm a big noob in nightwatch.js but i have to decide this task. Please help me... I have a simple autotes
Considering I have multiple trs I want to pick one and edit value in it by clicking edit button bounded to it.
I am needing to use Nightwatch to wait until a new email is received from Gmail containing a temporary passwor
I have followed all instructions in the Nightwatch docs and followed many issues in github. I believe I have t
The question is related to general js programming, but I'll use nightwatch.js as an example to elaborate
Nightwatch: 1.3.4 Safari: 13.0 OS X: 10.15.3 I'm trying to set up my tests for Safari using Nightwatch.js
I'm getting this error in Nightwatch when trying to click submit in an iframe this is my code: .perform
Anyone know how to fix this error on the terminal when you run a test in nightwatch. My Chrome version is the
Hi to all and this is the first time I'm posting at StackOverflow. My nightwatch script with a chromedriv
I'm trying to get automated tests back up and running and having the following issue when I run a test. T
I have being looking around for documentation related to setting Safari capabilities. The browser does not dow
I have a use case requirement where i have to send a post request using a curl command before running ANY test