Is 'switch' faster than 'if'?
Asked 07 September, 2021
Viewed 1.4K times
  • 49

Is a switch statement actually faster than an if statement?

I ran the code below on Visual Studio 2010's x64 C++ compiler with the /Ox flag:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

#define MAX_COUNT (1 << 29)
size_t counter = 0;

size_t testSwitch()
    clock_t start = clock();
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_COUNT; i++)
        switch (counter % 4 + 1)
            case 1: counter += 4; break;
            case 2: counter += 3; break;
            case 3: counter += 2; break;
            case 4: counter += 1; break;
    return 1000 * (clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

size_t testIf()
    clock_t start = clock();
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_COUNT; i++)
        const size_t c = counter % 4 + 1;
        if (c == 1) { counter += 4; }
        else if (c == 2) { counter += 3; }
        else if (c == 3) { counter += 2; }
        else if (c == 4) { counter += 1; }
    return 1000 * (clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

int main()
    printf("Switch statement: %u ms
", testSwitch());
    printf("If     statement: %u ms
", testIf());

and got these results:

Switch statement: 5261 ms
If statement: 5196 ms

From what I've learned, switch statements apparently use jump tables to optimize the branching.


  1. What would a basic jump table look like, in x86 or x64?

  2. Is this code using a jump table?

  3. Why is there no performance difference in this example? Is there any situation in which there is a significant performance difference?

Disassembly of the code:


13FE81B10 sub  rsp,48h 
13FE81B14 call qword ptr [__imp_clock (13FE81128h)] 
13FE81B1A mov  dword ptr [start],eax 
13FE81B1E mov  qword ptr [i],0 
13FE81B27 jmp  testIf+26h (13FE81B36h) 
13FE81B29 mov  rax,qword ptr [i] 
13FE81B2E inc  rax  
13FE81B31 mov  qword ptr [i],rax 
13FE81B36 cmp  qword ptr [i],20000000h 
13FE81B3F jae  testIf+0C3h (13FE81BD3h) 
13FE81B45 xor  edx,edx 
13FE81B47 mov  rax,qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)] 
13FE81B4E mov  ecx,4 
13FE81B53 div  rax,rcx 
13FE81B56 mov  rax,rdx 
13FE81B59 inc  rax  
13FE81B5C mov  qword ptr [c],rax 
13FE81B61 cmp  qword ptr [c],1 
13FE81B67 jne  testIf+6Dh (13FE81B7Dh) 
13FE81B69 mov  rax,qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)] 
13FE81B70 add  rax,4 
13FE81B74 mov  qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)],rax 
13FE81B7B jmp  testIf+0BEh (13FE81BCEh) 
13FE81B7D cmp  qword ptr [c],2 
13FE81B83 jne  testIf+89h (13FE81B99h) 
13FE81B85 mov  rax,qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)] 
13FE81B8C add  rax,3 
13FE81B90 mov  qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)],rax 
13FE81B97 jmp  testIf+0BEh (13FE81BCEh) 
13FE81B99 cmp  qword ptr [c],3 
13FE81B9F jne  testIf+0A5h (13FE81BB5h) 
13FE81BA1 mov  rax,qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)] 
13FE81BA8 add  rax,2 
13FE81BAC mov  qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)],rax 
13FE81BB3 jmp  testIf+0BEh (13FE81BCEh) 
13FE81BB5 cmp  qword ptr [c],4 
13FE81BBB jne  testIf+0BEh (13FE81BCEh) 
13FE81BBD mov  rax,qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)] 
13FE81BC4 inc  rax  
13FE81BC7 mov  qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)],rax 
13FE81BCE jmp  testIf+19h (13FE81B29h) 
13FE81BD3 call qword ptr [__imp_clock (13FE81128h)] 
13FE81BD9 sub  eax,dword ptr [start] 
13FE81BDD imul eax,eax,3E8h 
13FE81BE3 cdq       
13FE81BE4 mov  ecx,3E8h 
13FE81BE9 idiv eax,ecx 
13FE81BEB cdqe      
13FE81BED add  rsp,48h 
13FE81BF1 ret       


13FE81C00 sub  rsp,48h 
13FE81C04 call qword ptr [__imp_clock (13FE81128h)] 
13FE81C0A mov  dword ptr [start],eax 
13FE81C0E mov  qword ptr [i],0 
13FE81C17 jmp  testSwitch+26h (13FE81C26h) 
13FE81C19 mov  rax,qword ptr [i] 
13FE81C1E inc  rax  
13FE81C21 mov  qword ptr [i],rax 
13FE81C26 cmp  qword ptr [i],20000000h 
13FE81C2F jae  testSwitch+0C5h (13FE81CC5h) 
13FE81C35 xor  edx,edx 
13FE81C37 mov  rax,qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)] 
13FE81C3E mov  ecx,4 
13FE81C43 div  rax,rcx 
13FE81C46 mov  rax,rdx 
13FE81C49 inc  rax  
13FE81C4C mov  qword ptr [rsp+30h],rax 
13FE81C51 cmp  qword ptr [rsp+30h],1 
13FE81C57 je   testSwitch+73h (13FE81C73h) 
13FE81C59 cmp  qword ptr [rsp+30h],2 
13FE81C5F je   testSwitch+87h (13FE81C87h) 
13FE81C61 cmp  qword ptr [rsp+30h],3 
13FE81C67 je   testSwitch+9Bh (13FE81C9Bh) 
13FE81C69 cmp  qword ptr [rsp+30h],4 
13FE81C6F je   testSwitch+0AFh (13FE81CAFh) 
13FE81C71 jmp  testSwitch+0C0h (13FE81CC0h) 
13FE81C73 mov  rax,qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)] 
13FE81C7A add  rax,4 
13FE81C7E mov  qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)],rax 
13FE81C85 jmp  testSwitch+0C0h (13FE81CC0h) 
13FE81C87 mov  rax,qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)] 
13FE81C8E add  rax,3 
13FE81C92 mov  qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)],rax 
13FE81C99 jmp  testSwitch+0C0h (13FE81CC0h) 
13FE81C9B mov  rax,qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)] 
13FE81CA2 add  rax,2 
13FE81CA6 mov  qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)],rax 
13FE81CAD jmp  testSwitch+0C0h (13FE81CC0h) 
13FE81CAF mov  rax,qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)] 
13FE81CB6 inc  rax  
13FE81CB9 mov  qword ptr [counter (13FE835D0h)],rax 
13FE81CC0 jmp  testSwitch+19h (13FE81C19h) 
13FE81CC5 call qword ptr [__imp_clock (13FE81128h)] 
13FE81CCB sub  eax,dword ptr [start] 
13FE81CCF imul eax,eax,3E8h 
13FE81CD5 cdq       
13FE81CD6 mov  ecx,3E8h 
13FE81CDB idiv eax,ecx 
13FE81CDD cdqe      
13FE81CDF add  rsp,48h 
13FE81CE3 ret       


Interesting results here. Not sure why one is faster and one is slower, though.

12 Answer