How to use the new affix plugin in twitter's bootstrap 2.1.0?
Asked 07 September, 2021
Viewed 2.5K times
  • 49

The bootstrap documentation on that topic is a little confusing to me. I want to achieve similar behaviour like in the docs with the affix navbar: The navbar is below a paragraph / page heading, and upon scrolling down it should first scroll along until reaching the top of the page, and then stick there fixed for further scrolldowns.

As jsFiddle does not work with the navbar concept, I've set up a separate page for usage as a minimal example:

I use this as my navbar:

<div class="navbar affix-top" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="50">
    <div class="navbar-inner">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="span12">
                <a class="brand" href="#">My Brand</a> 
                This is my navbar.
        </div> <!-- container -->
    </div> <!-- navbar-inner -->
</div> <!-- navbar -->

I thinkg i would want data-offset-top to be of value 0 (since the bar should "stick" to the very top" but with 50 there is at least some effect watchable.

If also put the javascript code in place:

        $(document).ready (function (){
            $(".navbar").affix ();

Any help appreciated.

9 Answer