how to select all class except the clicked element in JQuery?
Asked 07 September, 2021
Viewed 2.3K times
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I have a website developed on Drupal. I use a module called collapsiblock (it is basicly a JQuery plugin) to achieve accordion like effect. It is working fine with me (although it is in Beta). But I want to modify it so that when the user clicks on one item of the accordion the other items will collapsed.

In its current stats, it is working in a way that when the user click on one item, it will check if the item is already collapsed or expanded and it will make the item the opposite. That means if the user clicks on one item it will expand and if he/she clicks on another item it will also expand, but it will not collapse the previously clicked item.

You can see the code below. I know where should I add the code to collapse and how to collapse and expand. My question is: How do I select all the items that have the class '.collapsiblock' except the one that the user has clicked??

Note: the item that has the class '.collapsiblockCollapsed' get collapsed and if this class is removed from the item it get expanded.

// $Id: collapsiblock.js,v 1.6 2010/08/18 19:17:37 gagarine Exp $

Drupal.Collapsiblock = Drupal.Collapsiblock || {};

Drupal.behaviors.collapsiblock = function (context) {
  var cookieData = Drupal.Collapsiblock.getCookieData();
  var slidetype = Drupal.settings.collapsiblock.slide_type;
  var defaultState = Drupal.settings.collapsiblock.default_state;
  var slidespeed = parseInt(Drupal.settings.collapsiblock.slide_speed);
  $('div.block:not(.collapsiblock-processed)', context).addClass('collapsiblock-processed').each(function () {
    var id =;
    var titleElt = $(':header:first', this).not($('.content :header',this));
    if (titleElt.size()) {
      titleElt = titleElt[0];
      // Status values: 1 = not collapsible, 2 = collapsible and expanded, 3 = collapsible and collapsed, 4 = always collapsed
      var stat = Drupal.settings.collapsiblock.blocks[] ? Drupal.settings.collapsiblock.blocks[] : defaultState;
      if (stat == 1) {
      } = $(this).find('div.content');
        .click(function () {
          var st = Drupal.Collapsiblock.getCookieData();
          if ($(this).is('.collapsiblockCollapsed')) {
            if (slidetype == 1) {
            else {
              $({height:'show', opacity:'show'}, slidespeed);

            // Don't save cookie data if the block is always collapsed.
            if (stat != 4) {
              st[id] = 1;
          else {
            if (slidetype == 1) {
            else {
              $({height:'hide', opacity:'hide'}, slidespeed);

            // Don't save cookie data if the block is always collapsed.
            if (stat != 4) {
              st[id] = 0;
          // Stringify the object in JSON format for saving in the cookie.
          var cookieString = '{ ';
          var cookieParts = [];
          $.each(st, function (id, setting) {
            cookieParts[cookieParts.length] = ' "' + id + '": ' + setting;
          cookieString += cookieParts.join(', ') + ' }';
          $.cookie('collapsiblock', cookieString, {path: Drupal.settings.basePath});
      // Leave active blocks uncollapsed. If the block is expanded, do nothing.
      if (stat ==  4 || (cookieData[id] == 0 || (stat == 3 && cookieData[id] == undefined)) && !$(this).find('').size()) {

Drupal.Collapsiblock.getCookieData = function () {
  var cookieString = $.cookie('collapsiblock');
  return cookieString ? Drupal.parseJson(cookieString) : {};


Problem has been solved by adding the following code:

                $({height:'hide', opacity:'hide'}, slidespeed);

just above the following line:


3 Answer