How do I use PHPUnit with CodeIgniter?
Asked 07 September, 2021
Viewed 1.9K times
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I have read and read articles on PHPUnit, SimpleTest, and other Unit Testing frameworks. They all sound so great! I finally got PHPUnit working with Codeigniter thanks to

Now my question is, how do I use it?

Every tutorial I see has some abstract use like assertEquals(2, 1+1) or:

public function testSpeakWithParams()
    $hello = new SayHello('Marco');
    $this->assertEquals("Hello Marco!", $hello->speak());

That is great if I had a function that would output such a predictable string. Usually my apps grab a bunch of data from the database then display it in some sort of table. So how do I test Codeigniter's controllers?

I would like to do Test-Driven Development and I have read the tutorial on PHPUnits site, but once again the example seem so abstract. Most of my codeigniter functions are displaying data.

Is there a book or a great tutorial with a practical application and examples of PHPUnit testing?

2 Answer