How can I write accept function in my library in socket programming?
Asked 07 September, 2021
Viewed 1.2K times
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I am trying to write the code with my own library. I did this for the other functions such as 'bind' but when I write accept function the code did not work.

This is the code in the library:

int bindASocket(int* TheTcpSocket, struct sockaddr_in* TheTcpAddress);
int AcceptASocket(int* TheTCPSocket,struct sockaddr_in* TheTcpAddress);

these are function codes:

int AcceptASocket(int* TcpSocket, struct sockaddr_in* TcpAddress)
    int a=0;
    a = accept(*TcpSocket, (struct sockaddr*)TcpAddress, sizeof(struct sockaddr));

    if (TcpSocket == NULL)
        printf("Accept - The socket was null....returning
        return -5;
    if (TcpAddress == NULL)
        printf("Accept - Address was null....returning
        return -6;

    if (a == SOCKET_ERROR)
        printf("Accept failed with error code : %d", WSAGetLastError());
        return -7;
    puts("Connection accepted.");

This is the main code:

a = AcceptASocket(&sck,&client_bilgileri);

Socket changes while the accept function is getting created so problem could be about the socket but I could not understand the solution. When I wrote new_socket instead of sck I could not solve that too.

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