Element not interactible and not visible although it is visible on the website in Nightwatch
Asked 07 September, 2021
Viewed 2.7K times
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I am trying to automate a Login to a website that I use frequently. I know thats not really the purpose of Nightwatch but it should still do the job and press all the buttons and log me in right? Anyway I keep getting this weird An element command could not be completed because the element is not visible on the page. – element not interactable error when trying to access a text field on the site. I tested the element to be present but not visible although it is visable on the site and I cant find any fix for it. Would be very grateful for any tip :)

The Login I am trying to automate

Element not interactable

EDIT: It was an iframe inside the website that I could access through:

.waitForElementPresent('input[id=asdf]', 2000)
.perform(() => {browser.frame(0).setValue('input[id=asdf]', value)

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