Cordova 5.0.0: Which files should I commit to git?
I use Cordova 5.0.0 and i have the following project structure:
- hooks
- platforms
- plugins
- resources
- www
- config.xml
My question now is: Which of these folders can I omit? I ask it because I work on three different platforms. I Develop on linux for android, windows for windows phone and on mac for ios. If I commit the whole project I always get warnings and error for the not supported platforms.
What I want is a minimalistic git repository.
One problem for example are the plugins. When I delete the plugin folder from the repository I have to add them on each of my developing platform manually.
Another problem is the resources folder. I automatically generate icons and splashscreens using ionic. When I now try to build the project on ios, it is complaining about the images for android.
So what do I need and what can I omit?