Call a Server-side Method on a Resource in a RESTful Way
Asked 07 September, 2021
Viewed 2.1K times
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Keep in mind I have a rudimentary understanding of REST. Let's say I have this URL:

And now, I want to make the server make the dog bark. Only the server knows how to do this. Let's say I want to have it run on a CRON job that makes the dog bark every 10 minutes for the rest of eternity. What does that call look like? I kind of want to do this:

URL request:


In the request body:


Before you get mad at me for making up my own HTTP method, help me out and give me a better idea on how I should invoke a server-side method in a RESTful way. :)


Some more clarification around what the "bark" method does. Here are some options that may result in differently structured API calls:

  1. bark just sends an email to and records nothing.
  2. bark sends an email to and the increments dog.barkCount by 1.
  3. bark creates a new "bark" record with bark.timestamp recording when the bark occured. It also increments dog.barkCount by 1.
  4. bark runs a system command to pull the latest version of the dog code down from Github. It then sends a text message to dog.owner telling them that the new dog code is in production.

8 Answer